DC Title:
Setting the records straight
DC Creator:
DC Subject:
Records, organisation
DC Description :
Explains necessity of records management systems for organisations with the deluge of data and where to start.
DC Publisher:
Knowledge Ireland
DC Identifier:
DC Source :
DC Relation:
DC Coverage:
DC Rights:
DC Date:
DC Type:
DC Format:
DC Language :
I created this blog for my information management studies.
My real subject is records management in France because there are translation problems (English to French of course). But I publied about records management in the world.
Thursday, 3 May 2007
Establishing Retention Periods for Electronic Records
DC Title:
Establishing Retention Periods for Electronic Records
DC Creator:
Information Requirements Clearinghouse
DC Subject:
Records, electronic records, mail, database
DC Description :
"Records retention of computer records present difficult challenges. This articles analyzes some common types of computer records. Organizations addressing records retention of computer records should first determine which form of the records will be the official organization records — computer, paper, or microfilm — and what will be the status of the computer records. With this approach, some computer information will be treated as official records of the organization while others will be considered non-records or work-in-progress. "
DC Publisher:
Information Requirements Clearinghouse
DC Identifier:
DC Source :
DC Relation:
DC Coverage:
DC Rights:
DC Date:
DC Type:
DC Format:
DC Language :
Establishing Retention Periods for Electronic Records
DC Creator:
Information Requirements Clearinghouse
DC Subject:
Records, electronic records, mail, database
DC Description :
"Records retention of computer records present difficult challenges. This articles analyzes some common types of computer records. Organizations addressing records retention of computer records should first determine which form of the records will be the official organization records — computer, paper, or microfilm — and what will be the status of the computer records. With this approach, some computer information will be treated as official records of the organization while others will be considered non-records or work-in-progress. "
DC Publisher:
Information Requirements Clearinghouse
DC Identifier:
DC Source :
DC Relation:
DC Coverage:
DC Rights:
DC Date:
DC Type:
DC Format:
DC Language :
Records management at the movies
DC Title:
Records management at the movies
DC Creator:
Rammell Consulting
DC Subject:
records management , movie
DC Description :
Shows movies that have a records management theme or content but it’s not major theme and not all movies about this subject.
DC Editor :
Rammell Consulting
DC Contributor :
Eldin Rammell
DC Publisher:
Records Management Association of Australasia
DC Identifier :http://www.rmaa.com.au/docs/library/items/RM-at-the-movies.pdf
DC Source :
DC Coverage:
DC Rights:
DC Date:
Consulting : 2007-04-26
DC Type:
Screen saver
DC Format:
DC Language :
Records management at the movies
DC Creator:
Rammell Consulting
DC Subject:
records management , movie
DC Description :
Shows movies that have a records management theme or content but it’s not major theme and not all movies about this subject.
DC Editor :
Rammell Consulting
DC Contributor :
Eldin Rammell
DC Publisher:
Records Management Association of Australasia
DC Identifier :http://www.rmaa.com.au/docs/library/items/RM-at-the-movies.pdf
DC Source :
DC Coverage:
DC Rights:
DC Date:
Consulting : 2007-04-26
DC Type:
Screen saver
DC Format:
DC Language :
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Technologies and archival standards
DC Title
Technologies et normes archivistiques : la norme ISO 15489 sur le records management
DC Creator
DC Subject
Records management ; ISO 15-489 ; archive
DC Description
Presents ISO 15489 standard and chronology of files management in organizations since 1950 to 2000. Then, we see utility of such standards to manage files for reliability, integrity, correspondence and systematization of files. Finally, there is a bibliography on subject.
DC Editor
Revue électronique Suisse des sciences de l’information (Swiss electronic magazine of information sciences)
DC Contributor
DC Date
DC Type
DC Format
DC Identifier
DC Source
Revue électronique Suisse de sciences de l’information (Swiss electronic magazine of information sciences)
DC Language
DC Relation
DC Coverage
French-speaking country
DC Rights
Technologies et normes archivistiques : la norme ISO 15489 sur le records management
DC Creator
DC Subject
Records management ; ISO 15-489 ; archive
DC Description
Presents ISO 15489 standard and chronology of files management in organizations since 1950 to 2000. Then, we see utility of such standards to manage files for reliability, integrity, correspondence and systematization of files. Finally, there is a bibliography on subject.
DC Editor
Revue électronique Suisse des sciences de l’information (Swiss electronic magazine of information sciences)
DC Contributor
DC Date
DC Type
DC Format
DC Identifier
DC Source
Revue électronique Suisse de sciences de l’information (Swiss electronic magazine of information sciences)
DC Language
DC Relation
DC Coverage
French-speaking country
DC Rights
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Personal glossary about Records management (again !)
Glossary about records management (in English and in French)
It is a glossary about records management made in King’s college.
Glossaire sur les records management en français fait par l’ADBS.
Glossary about records management made by ADBS (French association of libriarians)
It is a glossary about records management made by the State Records of South Africa
Glossary about records management made by Alliance Group ( a computing company)
Define the main concepts :
Record management :
English :
The field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, maintenance, use and disposition of records.
Source : http://www.abdn.ac.uk/central/records-management/glossary.shtml
French :
Champ de l’organisation et de la gestion en charge d’un contrôle efficace et systématique de la création, de la réception, de la conservation, de l’utilisation et du sort final des documents, y compris des méthodes de fixation et de préservation de la preuve et de l’information liée à la forme des documents (anglais : records management)
Définition donnée dans les traductions françaises des normes ISO 15489-1 et ISO 23081-1
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=16
Context :
Companies need keeping their documents to prove when there are problems and need to find quickly documents with a specially management of archives.
English :
The smallest unit of filing, generally a single letter, form, report or other item housed in a filing system.
Source : http://www.abdn.ac.uk/central/records-management/glossary.shtml
And File
A group of related documents, contained within a file cover and fastened together. A virtual file can be created for electronic documents.
Source : http://www.abdn.ac.uk/central/records-management/glossary.shtml
French equivalent are “document”.
French :
1) un objet porteur d’information(s) organisée(s)
(Définition rédigée par un groupe joint des commissions générales CG46 et CG171 de l’AFNOR en février 2005)
2) tout écrit ou enregistrement considéré comme une unité (anglais : document)
(Définition donnée dans les traductions françaises des normes ISO 15489-1 et ISO 23081-1)
3) information enregistrée ou objet matériel qui peut être considéré comme une unité dans un processus documentaire indépendamment de sa forme matérielle et de ses caractéristiques
(Définition donnée dans la traduction française de la norme ISO/DIS 9707 (adaptée de la définition dans la norme ISO 5127:2001))
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=16
A document, in a company, proves, for example, there was this person who worked in 1999.
Preservation (conservation in French)
The processes and operations involved in ensuring the technical and intellectual survival of authentic records through time.
Source : http://www.archives.sa.gov.au/management/glossary.html
Action et tâches concourant à la pérennité technique et intellectuelle des documents authentiques (anglais : preservation)
(définition donnée dans les traductions françaises des normes ISO 15489-1 et ISO 23081-1)
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=16
Making and maintaining complete, accurate and reliable evidence of business transactions in the form of recorded information.
Source : http://www.archives.sa.gov.au/management/glossary.html#R
Préserver dans son intégrité la plus complète les preuves de la comptabilité dans une entreprise sous forme d’archives enregistrées et gérées.
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=16
English :
The process of establishing access points to facilitate the retrieval of records and / or information.
Source : http://www.archives.sa.gov.au/management/glossary.html#I
French :
Action de définir des points d’accès pour faciliter le repérage des documents et/ou des informations (anglais : indexing)
(définition donnée dans les traductions françaises des normes ISO 15489-1 et ISO 23081-1)
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/article.php3?id_article=58
Transfer custody (versement in French)
English :
Change of the responsibility for the care of records, archives or other material, usually based on their physical possession (=custody), ownership and / or responsibility for records.
Source : http://www.archives.sa.gov.au/management/glossary.html
French :
Action de transférer la conservation physiques, la propriété ou la responsabilité de documents (anglais : transfer "custody")
(définition donnée dans les traductions françaises des normes ISO 15489-1 et ISO 23081-1)
Source : http://www.records-management.fr/article.php3?id_article=71
Thursday, 15 March 2007
Glossary on records management
DC Title: Glossary on records management
DC Creator: Records Management Association Australasia
DC Subject : records management ; records ; archive
DC Description:
This’s a glossary on records management in English.
DC Publisher:
Records Management Association Australasia
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Relation :
DC Coverage :
DC Rights :
© Copyright Records Management Association of Australasia
DC Date :
DC Type :
DC Format:
DC Language:
DC Creator: Records Management Association Australasia
DC Subject : records management ; records ; archive
DC Description:
This’s a glossary on records management in English.
DC Publisher:
Records Management Association Australasia
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Relation :
DC Coverage :
DC Rights :
© Copyright Records Management Association of Australasia
DC Date :
DC Type :
DC Format:
DC Language:
Records Management and historical archives management by Rosine CLEYET - MICHAUD
DC Title: Records Management And Historical Archives Management
DC Creator: CLEYET-MICHAUD, Rosine
DC Subject : History of archiving; Archives ; records management ; ISO 15489
DC Description:
After a description of the History of records management around the world, gves explanations about the cycle of records management : conservation system, lassification plan, final archiving, organism activities with records management and management of records management: work organization, management of the workforce, management of careers and remunerations. Includes a referential of conservation or the sorting table and conservation. In conclusion, the author writes about the dichotomy between documentation and archives in reference to records management.
DC Publisher: Dubaï Municipality
DC Identifier : http://vgn.dm.gov.ae/DMEGOV/images/dea-RosinePaperE.doc
DC Source :
Second conference on Documentation and Electronic Archiving
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights :
DC Date : 2003-11-30
DC Type : Report of CLEYET-MICHAUD, Rosine during the second conference on documentation and electronic archiving.
DC Format: Doc
DC Language: English
DC Creator: CLEYET-MICHAUD, Rosine
DC Subject : History of archiving; Archives ; records management ; ISO 15489
DC Description:
After a description of the History of records management around the world, gves explanations about the cycle of records management : conservation system, lassification plan, final archiving, organism activities with records management and management of records management: work organization, management of the workforce, management of careers and remunerations. Includes a referential of conservation or the sorting table and conservation. In conclusion, the author writes about the dichotomy between documentation and archives in reference to records management.
DC Publisher: Dubaï Municipality
DC Identifier : http://vgn.dm.gov.ae/DMEGOV/images/dea-RosinePaperE.doc
DC Source :
Second conference on Documentation and Electronic Archiving
DC Relation :
DC Coverage : World
DC Rights :
DC Date : 2003-11-30
DC Type : Report of CLEYET-MICHAUD, Rosine during the second conference on documentation and electronic archiving.
DC Format: Doc
DC Language: English
Thursday, 15 February 2007
What's a Record ? written by the US National Archives and Records Administration
DC Title: What’s a Record?
DC Creator: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Subject: Records Management ; archive ; records
DC Description :
Presents records management and its functioning at the US National Archives and Records Administration: reference institution.
DC Publisher: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Identifier: http://www.archives.gov/about/info/whats-a-record.html
DC Source :
DC Relation: http://www.archives.gov/
DC Coverage: The United States
DC Rights:
DC Date: 2006-08-08
DC Type: Article
DC Format: html
DC Language : English
You can read this document at this link :
DC Creator: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Subject: Records Management ; archive ; records
DC Description :
Presents records management and its functioning at the US National Archives and Records Administration: reference institution.
DC Publisher: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Identifier: http://www.archives.gov/about/info/whats-a-record.html
DC Source :
DC Relation: http://www.archives.gov/
DC Coverage: The United States
DC Rights:
DC Date: 2006-08-08
DC Type: Article
DC Format: html
DC Language : English
You can read this document at this link :
Dissertation on relationships between librarians and archivists in France.
DC Title : Les documentalistes et le « Records Management » : Analyse de la norme NF ISO 15 489-1 et enquête auprès de professionnels de l’information.
DC Creator : DESERT, Xavier
DC Subject : Records Management ; standard ; librianship
DC Description:
This work establishes the relationships between archivists and librarians through Records Management. Presents the general elements of Records Management, especially its historical review, and an analysis of the NF ISO 15 489-1 Standard. Describes the profession of Records Manager, discusses a questionnaire sent to experts and electronic lists, and concludes with a presentation of various training programs.
DC Publisher: IUT Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III (France)
DC Identifier : 302 room ; IUT Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III , 1 rue Jacques Ellul, 33080 Bordeaux, France.
DC Source :
DC Relation :
DC Coverage: France
DC Date: 2002
DC Type: dissertation
DC Format: .doc and paper
DC Language: French
Thursday, 25 January 2007
ISO 15489-1: International Standard on Records Management
DC Title: ISO 15489 -1 Information and Documentation - Records Management- Part 1 : General
DC Creator: International Organization for Standard
DC Subject: Records Management ; standard
DC Description :
Iso 15489-1 is the international standard on Records management.
DC Publisher:
International Organization for Standard
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Relation: ISO 15489 – 2 Information and Documentation - Records Management - Part 2 : Guidelines
DC Coverage: World
DC Rights: © ISO
DC Date: 2001-09-15
DC Type: Standard
DC Format: paper and pdf
DC Language : English and French
I can't quote this document but you can buy it on the web site of International Organization for Standard : http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CombinedQueryResult.CombinedQueryResult?queryString=ISO+15489
DC Creator: International Organization for Standard
DC Subject: Records Management ; standard
DC Description :
Iso 15489-1 is the international standard on Records management.
DC Publisher:
International Organization for Standard
DC Identifier :
DC Source :
DC Relation: ISO 15489 – 2 Information and Documentation - Records Management - Part 2 : Guidelines
DC Coverage: World
DC Rights: © ISO
DC Date: 2001-09-15
DC Type: Standard
DC Format: paper and pdf
DC Language : English and French
I can't quote this document but you can buy it on the web site of International Organization for Standard : http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CombinedQueryResult.CombinedQueryResult?queryString=ISO+15489
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