
I created this blog for my information management studies. My real subject is records management in France because there are translation problems (English to French of course). But I publied about records management in the world.

Thursday, 15 February 2007

What's a Record ? written by the US National Archives and Records Administration

DC Title: What’s a Record?
DC Creator: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Subject: Records Management ; archive ; records
DC Description :

Presents records management and its functioning at the US National Archives and Records Administration: reference institution.

DC Publisher: The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
DC Identifier: http://www.archives.gov/about/info/whats-a-record.html
DC Source :
DC Relation: http://www.archives.gov/
DC Coverage: The United States
DC Rights:
DC Date: 2006-08-08
DC Type: Article
DC Format: html
DC Language : English

You can read this document at this link :

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